Karol Szymanowski
Born |
October 3, 1882 |
Died |
March 28, 1937 |
Timeline |
Modern |
Nationality |
Poland |
More Composers
12 Songs, Opus 17
2 Basque Songs, Opus 44
3 Fragments from Poems, Opus 5
3 Lullabies, Opus 48
3 Songs, Opus 32
4 Songs, Opus 11
4 Songs, Opus 54
4 Songs from Tagore, Opus 41
5 Songs, Opus 13
6 Songs, Opus 2
6 Songs, Opus 20
Buntelieder, Opus 22
Kurpian Songs
Kurpian Songs, Opus 58
Love Songs of Hafiz, Opus 24
Songs of the Fairy Tale Princess, Opus 33
Songs of the Infatuated Muezzin, Opus 42
Słopiewnie, Opus 46b
The Swan, Opus 7
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